Safe Haven Private Vaults is a highly secure, exclusive storage facility for the ultimate protection of your valuables. The facility and vaults are protected with multiple security measures including armed guards, biometric retina scanners, motion detectors, ballistic paneling, armor plated steel walls and is surrounded by covert security sensors. The facility has multiple alarm systems, panic buttons and over 20 cameras being monitored 24/7.

As a client, you enter the facility through a 3 tier access system with keypad passwords, biometric retinal scans, and keyed entry. You are able to store virtually anything in your Safe Haven Vault, including firearms, jewelry, cash, gold, silver, diamonds, important documents and anything of value that you want to keep safeguarded. The Safe Haven Vault facility is available for you to access 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and gives you the option of untraceable privacy.

Safe Haven was assessed by Global Risk Evaluations and given their highest ranking of a Tier 1 Vault, surpassing the security classifications of banks and the department of defense. Your peace of mind and convenience that you have as a client of Safe Haven Vaults is unparalleled.